Saturday, March 21, 2020

How to Share Customer Success Stories With Leila King [PODCAST]

How to Share Customer Success Stories With Leila King [PODCAST] Storytelling is one way to grow your business. It piques the interest of potential customers, draws them in, and is sometimes the catalyst that converts interest into a sale. You probably have your own story to tell, but you also likely have the stories of others that could hold an important position on your website. Today we are talking to Lelia King, the communications director at The Iron Yard, a software development school for adults. Lelia knows how to collaborate with others to find the stories that will inspire people to sign up for the programs. You can learn to harness the power of social proof to help your potential clients envision themselves finding success just like others have done. This is one episode you are not going to want to miss. The story behind The Iron Yard, who makes up the team, and what Lelia does there. The planning process when coming up with a lot of content with a relatively small team, as well as how Lelia uses scheduling to ensure that there is a variety of content available. How the Iron Yard team weaves newsworthy and time-sensitive content into a schedule that has already been planned out. Why agility is such an important part of a marketing strategy. Why it’s important for The Iron Yard to share student stories and how stories help others envision themselves in those students’ shoes. Tips on finding the stories that you want to include on your website or in your advertising materials. The process that Lelia uses when it comes to storytelling and why sometimes a framework or formula does not work. Lelia’s best advice for someone who wants to start incorporating customer storytelling into their marketing strategy. Links: Lelia King The Iron Yard Yes We Code Slack Feedly Asana Jobs to Be Done If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Leila: â€Å"It’s important really for anyone’s marketing strategy to be really flexible when it comes to creating and sharing content because you just never know when something’s going to come up.† â€Å"People see themselves in stories Humans are essentially storytelling animals and stories help to make sense of the world and help us figure out who we are.† â€Å"The beauty of storytelling is that there are tons of different ways to capture stories.†

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Power of Story - A Game for Adult Students

The Power of Story - A Game for Adult Students Ideal Size Up to 20. Divide larger groups. Use For Introductions in the classroom or at a meeting where the topic would be enriched by the sharing of personal stories. This exercise gives everyone a chance to share their story  and helps you manage storytelling later. Time Needed Depends on the number of people and the time you allow for personal stories. Materials Needed Nothing, but you must communicate with participants beforehand. They will need to bring a personal item related to your topic. Instructions Send your students an email or letter prior to their arrival at your class or meeting and ask them to bring a personal item that is somehow related to the topic you will be discussing. When it’s time for students to introduce themselves, explain that you want to recognize and honor the life experiences and wisdom they bring to your classroom. Ask them to give their name, present the item they brought, and, in a minute or two, tell the group the story behind that item. Why did they choose it?What special memory does it elicit for them?What is its significance given your topic? Debrief Ask for a few volunteers to share any surprises they experienced as people shared their stories. Did anyone’s item and story cause them to think differently about your topic? The Heros Journey is so important in the understanding of story. Make sure your students are familiar with its elements.